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49% of all people in the United States die with no estate plan, no will, no power of attorney and no medical directive.[i]  The costs of these documents and the economic recession are large reasons that people do not have wills and other estate planning documents.[ii]  These legal documents are important for everyone.  For example, a will can lessen the stress for loved ones at a time of death.  As another example, parents may want to nominate preferred guardians for their minor children in a will.  The Non-Profit Law Office of America, Inc. provides basic wills, powers of attorney for finances, powers of attorney for health care, and living wills to people with low incomes. 

Sometimes crime victims and/or their families need legal help with medical, funeral and other expenses.  The Non-Profit Law Office of America, Inc. also provides information and help with claims for crime victims’ compensation to people with low incomes. 

Low cost houses are available for purchase in real estate markets.  The Non-Profit Law Office of America, Inc. also provides legal representation for buying homes to people with low incomes.  Home ownership also helps blighted communities to bloom. 

Copyright 2014 Non-Profit Law Office of America, Inc.

[i] http://wills-probate.lawyers.com/wills-probate/lawyerscom-wills-and-estate-planning-survey-findings.html

[ii] Id.